Arsen Zairov

Software Developer at Beeline

I enjoy turning complex problems into simple beautiful and intuitive interface designs. When I'm not coding, you'll find me in the gym or playing soccer.

Arsen Zairov

Job Title

Arsen Zairov , Software Developer at Beeline


Graduated from University of South Florida with a B.S in Management Information Systems


Top Tracks

Curious what I'm currently jamming to? Here's my top tracks on Spotify updated daily.

My Gear

Here's what tech I'm currently using for coding. Most of these have been accumulated over the past few years.

Computer / Office

  • 15 Macbook Pro (2018)
  • LG, LED, 32
  • Apple Magic Keyboard


  • Editor: VSCode
  • Theme: One Dark Pro
  • Terminal: Iterm 2

Other Tech

  • Apple Airpods Pro
  • Apple Watch
  • Apple iPhone
  • Kindle

Not Playing
